Another common lawn care practice is applying fertilizer. Many of us know we probably should, but don’t really know how or why.
What is Fertilizer?
Fertilizers have a three number identification system, N-P-K (i.e. 16-16-16). These represent the percentage of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potash (K) the fertilizer is made up of. Nitrogen greens your lawn and promotes top growth, while phosphorus keeps your roots strong, and potash builds cell strength so your lawn can withstand drought and foot traffic.
First, you need to determine what condition your lawn is in, and what you want to improve.

What Can it Do?
If you’re laying down new sod, your best place to start is with Greenhorizons’ Starter Fertilizer 10-25-10. It has more phosphorus to help you grow strong roots. Mix it in with the soil before putting down your sod or seeding for the best results. Greenhorizon’s Green Thumb 16-16-16 is a perfectly balanced fertilizer, with an equal amount of all the elements. We like to think of it as a sort of ‘meat and potatoes’ diet for your lawn; nothing too fancy, just good, healthy ‘food’ for your lawn. Therefore, it should be applied three or four times a year: early May, late June, early September and early November (this is to help your lawn stay healthy as it goes dormant for the winter).
If you’re happy with how healthy your lawn is, but you really want to get it golf course green, then you can consider the BigYellowBag Professional Grade Fertilizer 30-5-10. This is one of the fertilizers we use on our golf course at Willow Valley Golf Course. It’s a slow release product that should be applied three times a year.

There are a few important things to remember with fertilizer. Some varieties will burn your lawn if you apply too much. Some require watering to activate, and others don’t. Take measurements of your lawn so you know how much to apply. Ensure you read the directions carefully, and ask us for clarification if you’re not sure – we’re happy to help!
how do I purchase your 16 16 16 fertilizer ??
Hey Don, currently you can get 16-16-16 fertilizer delivered with your BigYellowBag in Greenhorizons Sod Farms delivery zones. You can place your BigYellowBag order and add on some fertilizer at We are closed at this time for pick-up service, but we’re working on having curb-side pick-up available at all our Greenhorizons locations. So give us a call in the next week of so and see how our curb-side pick-up is developing. Thanks!
Please email me instruction how to put green thumb fertilizer on the lawn
There is no instructions on the bag except amount on how many kilogram to use for the size of the loan But nothing how to do it
For example mix it with the soil or put it straight on the grass …water it after or not??
Pls i need more detail explanation
There is no instructions on the bag
Hey Dagmar,
Check out this link for info on our fertilizers! We have informative videos about each of our fertilizer varieties there.
Thanks and all the best!
Can you give me some advice.
I have big yard where i am constantly seeding new grass or laying down sod as I noticed that i am getting snow mold or maybe it could be that i don’t have the right fertilizer. I have tried the slow release fertilizer and noticed with that too its burns the grass
What would be the best products to get my grass back to a thick healthy and less maintenance lawn
Please help
Hey Stephanie,
It’s hard to make recommendations without seeing your lawn and it’s condition. A number of factors such as shade, drainage, and topsoil can make big differences to your lawn performance. Send me an email at and we can try to make some recommendations.
All the best and talk soon!
What are your recommendations for prepping lawn for winter, which fertilizer is best for winter?
Hey Grant,
I would recommend our 16-16-16 fertilizer for a balanced lawn! You can learn more about our fertilizers here:
All the best and happy fall!
Going to rake up leaves and spend some time removing thatch this fall, do you recommend aerating along with November fertilizer application?
Fantastic idea Grant! That routine will do wonders to your spring green-up! Aerating will definitely help as a part of your fertilizer application, especially if you have an older lawn!
All the best and happy fall!
Hello again,
Stopped in at the London location and they recommended 8-32-16 for fall/winter/spring fertilizer, just don’t use in the hot summer months.
I want to give my lawn the best chance throughout the winter and early spring, so if you think 16-16-16 is a better choice, can I return the unopened bag and exchange.
Thanks again,
Hey Grant!
While 16-16-16 is a good balanced fertilizer, and can be used at anytime throughout the year, our 8-32-16 is a great fertilizer for fall and early spring applications. The high phosphorous content will help your lawn grow roots ahead of the winter, ensuring that it will head into dormancy in good health! We focused on 16-16-16 in this article because it’s widely available, but our London employees were absolutely right in recommending you 8-32-16. Just remember to water your fertilizer after application, or apply it before a good rain, because it is water soluble.
Thanks for your comment and all the best!