We know you probably don’t want us to draw attention to it, but lately the mornings have been getting cooler and the days have been getting shorter. As much as you might want to deny it, summer is coming to a close and autumn is well on its way. That means it’s time to get your garden ready for the next season. One of the best ways you can do this is by fall mulching.

There are a lot of advantages to adding mulch to your garden before the first frost hits. It insulates your soil and helps to prevent frost heaving. This occurs when the ground expands and contracts as the moisture in the ground freezes and thaws. This can be especially problematic if you’ve planted bulbs for the spring, or you have annuals you want to protect.
Fall mulching also helps maintain your soil’s moisture, which is important for your late-season plants.

Finally, it can help you get a head start on your weeding next spring. Not only does it help choke out any straggling weeds that may have found their way into your garden, it also helps prevent new weed seeds from finding a home in your exposed soil.
Fall Mulching: How To
It’s a good idea to remove as many of the weeds as you can before you mulch. Spread your mulch several inches thick to get the best protection for your garden. There are several options when it comes to mulching. You can use grass clippings, but they have a tendency to turn slimy if you apply a thick layer all at once, so you have to apply and reapply thin layers. Remember, you shouldn’t use grass clippings if you’ve applied herbicides to your lawn. In addition, you need to be careful that you aren’t introducing weeds from your lawn to your garden.

Leaves are another option, but because they have low nitrogen levels, they aren’t great for encouraging spring growth. Additionally, because they are light, they can get blown away on windy fall days. While straw can be used, you run the risk of introducing unwanted seeds into your garden. This actually defeats the purpose of weed control.
Given the drawbacks of the other options, we recommend that you opt for Greenhorizons Premium Bark Mulch. Not only does it have all of the advantages of soil moisture retention, weed prevention, ease of application and erosion prevention, it also looks good! You have your choice between Midnight Black or Original Natural Red. The best part is, you can pick up smaller carry-home bags or in bulk, or we offer delivery on our giant cubic yard bulk bags.
Don’t feel sad that summer is coming to a close. Remember that autumn is a beautiful season of brightly coloured leaves, celebrating the harvest, and best of all, getting a start on planning your garden for next spring!